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Siné : Vive le jazz

Auteur(s)Compilation ;Siné (1928-...)

Titre(s)Siné : Vive le jazz / Choix de Siné.

Editeur(s)Frémeaux et associés, P 1997.

ContientCD 1 : Flying on a V-Disc/Esquire all-stars. - Lazy river/Louis Armstrong. - your fet's too big/Fats Waller. - solid old man/Red Stewart. - Koko/Duke Ellington-One O'clock jump/Count Basie. - Blues in the night/J.Lunceford. - Original Jelly Roll Blues/Jelly Roll Morton. - casanova's lament/Jack Teagarden. - 2:19 blues/L.Armstrong. - the man I lvoe/C.Hawkings. - sweet Lorraine/King Cole. - you're not the only oyster in the stew/Fats Waller. - God bless the child/Billie Holiday. - blue and sentimental/Count Basie. - I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you/Louis Armstrong. - Caldonia/louis Jordan. - that's the blues/Rubberlegs Williams. - CD 2 : Black and blue/Louis Armstrong. - all of me/Billie Holiday. - Pagin' the devil/Kansas City Six. - jumpin' at the woodside/Count Basie. - on the sunny side of the street/Lionel Hampton. - Esquire Bounce/Lionel Feather's all stars. - strange fruit/Billie Holiday. - Nice work if you can get it/Minton's playhouse band. - slim jam/Slim gaillard. - blue Lester/lester Young. - mean to me/sarah Vaughan. - long tall Dexter/Dexter Gordon. - Night in Tunisia/Charlie Parker. - Salt Peanuts/All haig. D.Gillepsie. - yesterdays/C.Hawkins. - things to come/Dizzy Gillespie. - you won't be satisfied/Louis Armstrong. - The Man I love/B. Hollyday.

Sujet(s)Anthologie : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonEAUZE00119000135895Musique1.3A SIN


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