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The man who smiled

Auteur(s)Mankell, Henning (1948-2015) (Auteur) ;Thompson, Laurie

Titre(s)The man who smiled / Henning Mankell ; Laurie Thompson.

Editeur(s)London : Arrow books, 2012.

RésuméSpiralling into an alcohol-fuelled depression after killing a man in the line of duty, Inspector Kurt Wallander has made up his mind to quit the police force for good. When an old acquaintance seeks Wallander's help to investigate the suspicious circumstances in wich his father has died, Kurt doesn't want to know. But when his former friend turns up dead, Wallander realises that he was wrong not to listen. Against his better judgement, he returns to work to head what may now have become a double murder case. An enigmatic big-business tycoon seems to be the common denominator in the two deaths.

Traduit de : Mannen som log.


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