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Original album classics

Original album classics


Titre(s)Original album classics / Kansas.

Editeur(s)Sony Music, 2009.

Collection(s)(Original album classics).

ContientCan I tell you. - Bringing it back. - Lonely wind. - Belexes. - Journey from Mariabronn. - The Pilgrimage. - Apercu. - Death of mother nature suite. - Bringing it back (Live). - Down the road. - Song for America. - Lamplight symphony. - Lonely street. - The devil game. - Medley : Incomudro/Hymn to the atman. - Song for America. - Down the road (Live). - Point fo know return. - Paradox. - The Spider. - Portrait (He knews). - Closet chronicles. - Lighting's hand. - Dust in the wind. - Sparks of the tempest. - Nobody's home. - Hopelessly human. - Sparks of the tempest (Live). - Portrait (He knew) (Remix). - Carry on Wayward son. - The Wall. - What's on my mind. - Miracles out of nowhere. - Opus insert. - Questions of my childhood. - Cheyenne anthem. - Magnum opus. - Carry on Wayward son (Live). - Cheyenne anthem (Live). - It takes a woman's love (To make a man). - Two cents worth. - Icarus (Born on wings of steel). - All the world. - Child of innoncence. - It's you. - Mysteries and Mayhem. - The pinnacle. - Child of innocence (Demo version). - It's you (Demo version).


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/200909/0886974598220_thumb.jpg

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CDEn rayonMGA50220322 KAN 21


Source : Wikipédia
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  • Can I tell you
  • Bringing it back
  • Lonely wind
  • Belexes
  • Journey from Mariabronn

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