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Close to you

Auteur(s)Gustafsson, Rigmor ;Jacky terrasson trio ;Smith, Sean ;Hartland, Eric ;Landgren, Nils

Titre(s)Close to you / Rigmor Gustafsson and Jacky Terrasson Trio.

Editeur(s)ACT music, P 2004.

ContientClose to you. - walk on by. - move me no mountain. - so amazing. - I'll never fall in love again. - much to much. - odds and ends. - Alfie. - what the world needs now. - windows of the world. - always something there to remind me. - raindrops keep falling on mys head. - I just don't know what to do with myself. - world of my dream.

Sujet(s)Voix : Jazz- phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325018580071Musique1 GUS


Source : Wikipédia
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