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The Complete Duke Ellington 1947-1952 Vol.2

Auteur(s)Ellington, Duke (1899-1974) ;Hodges, James (1928-...) ;Glenn, Tyree ;Hamilton, Jimmy ;Petitford, Oscar

Titre(s)The Complete Duke Ellington 1947-1952 Vol.2 / Duke Ellington.

Editeur(s)CBS, P 1989.


ContientStomp, look and listen. - air conditioned jungle. - three cent stomp. - progresive gavotte. - he makes me believe he's mine. - take love easy. - I can't believe that you're in love with me. - how high the moon. - singin' in the rain. - do nothin' till you hear from me. - don't get around much anymore. - onece upon a dream. - it's ove I'm in. - I could get a man. - on a turquoise cloud. - a woman and a man. - the clothed woman. - New York city blues.


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CDEn rayonLAGRAULET-DU-GERS5037400071Musique1.3 ELL


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