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An equal music

Auteur(s)Seth, Vikram (1952-...) (Auteur)

Titre(s)An equal music / Vikram seth.

Editeur(s)London : Phoenix, 2000.

RésuméThe author of the international bestseller A Suitable Boy returns with a powerful and deeply romantic tale of two gifted musicians. Michael Holme is a violinist, a member of the successful Maggiore Quartet. He has long been haunted, though, by memories of the pianist he loved and left ten years earlier, Julia McNicholl. Now Julia, married and the mother of a small child, unexpectedly reenters his life and the romance flares up once more. Against the magical backdrop of Venice and Vienna, the two lovers confront the truth about themselves and their love, about the music that both unites and divides them, and about a devastating secret that Julia must finally reveal. With poetic, evocative writing and a brilliant portrait of the international music scene, An Equal Music confirms Vikram Seth as one of the world's finest and most enticing writers.


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LivreEn rayonMD322361610071Livre en langue étrangèreAN R SET
LivreEn rayonFLEURANCE00132000065947Livre en langue étrangèreAN R SET


Source : Wikipédia
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