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In all languages : the Quartet & Prime time

Auteur(s)Coleman, Ornette ;Haden, Charlie (1937-2014) ;Cherry, Don (1936-1995) ;Higgins, Billy (1936-2001)

Titre(s)In all languages : the Quartet & Prime time / Ornette Coleman.

Editeur(s)Harmolodic, Cop 1997.

ContientTHE QUARTET : Peace warriors. - feet music. - Africa is the mirror of all colors. - words for Bird. - Space church. - Latin genetics. - in all languages. - sound manual. - mothers of the Veil. - Cloning. - PRIME TIME : music news. - mothers of the Veil. - the art of love is happiness. - latin genetics. - today, ysterday and tomorrow. - listen up. - feet music. - spade church. - cloning. - in all languages. - biosphere. - story tellers. - peace warriors.

Sujet(s)Saxophone : Jazz : Phonogramme Quartet : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMASSEUBE5070330071Musique1 COL


Source : Wikipédia
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