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New York.

Auteur(s)Compilation ;Morton, Jelly Roll

Titre(s)New York. / Compilation.

Editeur(s)CBS, P 1985.

Collection(s)(Jazz classics ; n°3).

ContientNEW YORK : Burnin' the Iceberg/Jelly Roll Morton'Red Hot. - struggle buggy/King Oliver & his Orchestra. - sugar foot stomp/Fletcher henderson & his Orchestra. - Lock and key/Bessie Smith accompanied by James P.Johnson. - san/Paul Whiteman & his Orchestra. - imagination/Miff Mole & his little Molers. - Makin'friends/E.Condon & his Footwarmers. - the minor drag/Fats Waller & his Buddies. - East St Louis toodle-oo/Duke Ellington & his famous Orchestra. - hot bones & rice/Charlie Johnson & his Orchestra. - Dr Blues/Luis Russel & his Orchestra. - feelin' devlish/Fess Williams & his royal Flush orchestra. - happy hour/Lloyd Scott's Orchestra. - Casaloma stomp/Casaloma Orchestra. - Dog Bottom/Jungle Band. - Minnie the Moocher/Cab Calloway & his Orchestra. - stratosphere/Jimmy Lunceford & his orchestra. - cushion foot somp/Clarence Williams'washboard five. - I can't dance/Freddy Jenkins & his Harlem seven. - farewell blues/Eddie Lang-Joe Venutti & their all Star orchestra.

Sujet(s)Orchestre : Jazz : Phonogramme


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