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Dancing on the ceiling

Auteur(s)Garner, Erroll ;Martin, Kelly (Batterie) ;Calhoum, Eddie

Titre(s)Dancing on the ceiling / Erroll Garner.

Editeur(s)Octave, P 1989.

Collection(s)(Errol Garner Collection ; n°2).

ContientIt had to be you. - crazy rhythm. - our love is here to stay. - don't blame me. - dancing on the celling. - whispering. - after you've gone. - there will never be another you. - like home. - what is this thing called love. - ain't Misbehavin.

Sujet(s)Piano : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonLAGRAULET-DU-GERS5024020071Musique1 GAR


Source : Wikipédia
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