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The Quintessential Billie Holyday vol.5 1937-1938

Auteur(s)Holiday, Billie (1915-1959)

Titre(s)The Quintessential Billie Holyday vol.5 1937-1938 / Billie Holiday.

Editeur(s)CBS, P 1989.

Collection(s)(CBS jazz. Masterpieces. The Essential).

Contientborn to love. - without your love. - getting some fun out of life. - who wants love?. - trav'lin all alone. - he's funny that way. - nice work if you can gt it. - things are looking up. - my man. - can't help lovin' dat man. - my first impression of you. - when you're smiling. - I can't believe that you're in love with me. - if dreams come true. - now they call it swing. - on the sentimental side. - back in your own backyard. - when a woman loves a woman.

Sujet(s)Jazz vocal : Phonogramme


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CDPrêtéMD325023450071Musique1 HOL


Source : Wikipédia
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