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Of thee I swing

Auteur(s)Wilson, Teddy ;Holiday, Billie (1915-1959) ;Williams, Midge

Titre(s)Of thee I swing / Teddy Wilson ; B.Hollyday & M.Williams.

Editeur(s)HEP, P 1990.

Contientyou turned the tables on me. - sing Baby sing. - easy to love. - whit thee I swing. - the way you look tonight. - who loves you?. - pennies from heaven. - that's life. - sailin'. - I can't give you anything but love baby. - I'm with you. - where the lazy river goes by. - tea for two. - I'll see you in my dreams. - he ain't got rhythm. - this year's kisses. - why was I born. - I must have that man. - the mood that I'm in. - you showed me the way.

Sujet(s)Piano : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325058120071Musique1 WIL


Source : Wikipédia
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