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Magic Soul. 2

Auteur(s)Compilation ;Miracles ;Martha & the Vandellas

Titre(s)Magic Soul. 2.

Editeur(s)East West, P 1996.

ContientCD1: I got a woman/R.Charles. - You've really got a hold on me/Miracles. - Heatwave/Martha & the vandellas. - How sweet it is/M.Gaye. - under the boardwalk/Driftens. - everybody needs somebody to love/S.Burke. - I can't help myself/Four stops. - shotgun/J.Walker & All Stars. - you keep me hangin'on/D.Ross & the Supremes. - a little tenderness/O.Redding. - land of 1000 dances/W.Pickett. - hold on! I'm coming/Sam & Dave. - ain't too proud to beg/Temptations. - you can't hurry love/D.Ross & the Supremes. - respect/A.Franklin. - I heard it through the grapvine/Glady Knight & the pips. - Jimmy back/Martha & the Vandellas. - hip hug-her/Booker T. & the MG"s. - memphis soul stew/King Curtis. - I got the feeling/J.Brown. - CD2: Mr Pitiful/O.Redding. - chain of fools/A.Franklin. - Bernadette/Four tops. - lovey Dovey/Otis & Carla. - the Road of love/Clarnece Carter. - funky street/A.Conley. - Big bird/E.Floyd. - mini-slirt minnie/W. Pickett. - Memphis train/R.Thomas. - rainy night in Georgia/B.Benton. - (I feel like I'm being) a sex machine/J.Brown. - war/E.Starr. - express yourself/C.Wright. - theme from shaft/I.Hayes. - what's going on/M.Gaye. - got to be there/M.Jackson. - Mr Big stuff/J.Knight. - superstition/S.Wonder. - Papa was a Rolling Stone/Temptations. - living for the City/S.Wonder.

Sujet(s)Soul : Phonogramme


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