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Carols from the Old & New Worlds

Auteur(s)Hillier, Paul (1949-...) ;Theatre of voices

Titre(s)Carols from the Old & New Worlds / Theatre of voices ; Paul Hillier, dir.

Editeur(s)Arles : Harmonia Mundi, P 1994.

ContientWhile shepherds watched. - the shepherd's star. - a Christmas carol. - joy to the world. - the apple tree. - Christmas Hymn : a virgin unspotted. - away in a manger. - while shepherds watched their flocks by night. - hark the herald angels sing-en etsi valtaa,loistoa. - still, O himmel. - süsser di Glocken. - Weihnachtslied. - still, still, still. - gaudete, Christu est natus. - personent hodie. - the Yorkshire Wassail song. - green grow'th the holly. - here we come a wassailing. - the cherry tree carol. - in the bleak mid winter. - ther is no rose. - a new Year's gift. - a wassail, a wassail throughout all this town.

Sujet(s)Musique ancienne : Phonogramme Noël : Carols : Phonogramme


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