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Too hot for words

Auteur(s)Wilson, Teddy ;Teddy Wilson and his Orchestra ;Holiday, Billie (1915-1959)

Titre(s)Too hot for words / Teddy Wilson and his orchestra with Billie Holiday.

Editeur(s)Hep, P 1995.

ContientI wished on the moon. - what a little moonlight can do. - Miss brown to you. - a sunbonnet blue. - what a night, what a moon,what a girl. - I'm painting the town red. - it's too hot for words. - sweet Lorraine. - every now and then. - it never damned on me. - twenty-four hours a day. - yankee Doodle never went to town. - eeny meeny miny mo. - if you were mine. - Liza. - Rosetta-these'n that n' those. - sugar plum. - you let me down. - spreadin' rhythm around.

Sujet(s)Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325057840071Musique1 WIL


Source : Wikipédia
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