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Western cowboy, ballads & songs 1925-1939

Auteur(s)Compilation ;Herzhaft, Gérard (1943-...)

Titre(s)Western cowboy, ballads & songs 1925-1939 / Compilation ss la dir. de G. Herzaft.

Editeur(s)Frémeaux et associés, P 1995.

ContientCD 1 : LES AUTHENTIQUES COW-BOYS: The Old chisholm trail /Mc Clintock. - streets of Laredo/J.G. Prude. - the cowboy's lament/J.Verne Allen. - the Gal I left behind me/J.Verne Allen. - Bandit Cole Younger/E.L.Crain. - Bill was a Texas lad/J.D.Farley. - Following the cow trail/C.T.Sprague. - When the work's all done this fall/Powder river Jack Lee. - Strawberry Roan /Arizona Wranglers. - Whoopee-Ti-Yi-Yo/John I.White. - Sam Bass/Mc mac Clintock. - castle call/Tex Owens. - Little old dog shack/Montant Slim. - the life of Jimie Rodgers/Gene Autry. - CD 2 : COW-BOYS D'HOLLYWOOD : Home on the range/Ken Maynard. - the long star trail/Maynard. - Back in the saddle again/Gene Autry. - Way out west in Texas/Autry. - Panhandle Pete/Autry. - Minnie the moocher at the morgu/Smiley Burnette. - Sam hail/Tex Ritter. - the Oregon trail/T. Ritter. - the Hills of old Wyoming/T. Ritter. - I'm an old cowhand/Pasty Montana. - Billie the KidSons of the pioneers. - Hold that critter down/Sons of the Pioneers. - the Devil's great Grandson. - oh Suzanna ! /light crust Doughboys. - Hadie Brown/Roy Rogers. - Listen to the rythm of the range/R. Rogers. - Hi ho Silver!/R. Rogers.

Sujet(s)Western : Phonogramme Chanson : Country : Phonogramme


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CDPrêtéMD325053990071Musique9.86 A


Source : Wikipédia
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