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Auteur(s)Jackson, Michael (1958-2009)

Titre(s)Anthology / Michael Jackson.

Editeur(s)Motown Record, C&P 1986.

ContientDisque 1 Got to be there. - Rockin' Robin. - Ain't no sunshine. - Maria (Your were the only one). - I wanna be where you are. - Girl don't take your love from me. - Love is here and now you're gone. - Ben. - People make the world go round. - Shoo-be-doo-da-day. - With a child's heart. - Everybody's somebody's fool. - In our small way. - All the things you are. - You can cry on my shoulder. - Maybe tomorrow. - I'll be there. - Never can say goodbye. - It's to late to change the time. - Dancing machine. - Disque 2 When I come of age. - Dear Michael. - Music and me. - You are there. - One day in your life. - Love's gone bad. - That's what love is made of. - Who's looking for a lover. - Lonely teardrops. - We're almost there. - Take me back. - Just a little bit of you. - Melodie. - I'll come home to you. - If n'I was God. - Happy (Love theme from "Lady sings the blues"). - Don't let it get you down. - Call on me. - To make my father proud. - Farewell my summer love.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme


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