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The very best of Marianne Faithfull

Auteur(s)Faithfull, Marianne (1946-...)

Titre(s)The very best of Marianne Faithfull / Marianne Faithfull.

Editeur(s)London, P 1987.

ContientAs tears go by. - Come and stay with me. - Scarborough fair. - Monday, monday. - Yesterday. - The last thing on my mind. - What have they done to the rain. - This little bird. - Something better. - In my time of sorrow. - Is this what I get for loving you ?. - Tomorrow's calling. - Reason to believe. - Sister Morphine. - Go away from my world. - Summer nights.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme Pop (musique)

Indice(s)2.20 ; 2

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CDEn rayonLECTOURE5004100071Musique2 FAI
CDEn rayonMGA50000992 FAI 20


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