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BBC sessions 1984-86 (The)

BBC sessions 1984-86 (The)

Auteur(s)The Pogues (Musicien)

Titre(s)BBC sessions 1984-86 (The) [enr. sonore] / Pogues (The), ens. voc. & instr.

Editeur(s)Warner Music, 2020.

ContientStreams of whiskey (The John Peel show). - Greenland whale fisheries (The John Peel show). - Boys from the county hell (The John Peel show). - The auld triangle (The John Peel show). - Dingle regatta (The David 'Kid' Jensen Show). - Poor daddy on the railway (The David 'Kid' Jensen Show). - Boys from the county hell (The David 'Kid' Jensen Show). - Connemara let's go (The David 'Kid' Jensen Show). - Whiskey you're the devil (The John Peel show). - Navigator (The John Peel show). - Sally MacLennane (The John Peel show). - Danny boy (The John Peel show). - A pair of brown eyes (The Phil kennedy show). - Muirshin Durkin (The Phil kennedy show). - Sally Maclennane (The Phil kennedy show). - Wild cats of Kilkenny (The Janice Long show). - Billy's bones (The Janice Long show). - The old main drag (The Janice Long show). - Dirty old town (The Janice Long show). - If i should fall from grace with god (The Janice Long show). - Lullaby of London (The Janice Long show). - The rake at the gates of hell (The Janice Long show). - Turkish song of the damned (The Janice Long show).

RésuméThe BBC Sessions 1984-86 est une sélection exhaustive des enregistrements du groupe à la BBC entre 1984 et 1986, comme son titre l'indique, incluant 13 titres jamais parus depuis leur diffusion initiale.

Sujet(s)Rock : Punk : Irlande


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/202009/0190295266646_thumb.jpg

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CDEn rayonVILLECOMTAL-SUR-ARROS5264590071Musique2.3 POG


Source : Wikipédia
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  • Streams of whiskey (The John Peel show)
  • Greenland whale fisheries (The John Peel show)
  • Boys from the county hell (The John Peel show)
  • The auld triangle (The John Peel show)
  • Dingle regatta (The David 'Kid' Jensen Show)
  • Streams of whiskey (The John Peel show)
  • Greenland whale fisheries (The John Peel show)
  • Boys from the county hell (The John Peel show)
  • The auld triangle (The John Peel show)
  • Dingle regatta (The David 'Kid' Jensen Show)

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