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Father of the bride

Father of the bride

Auteur(s)Vampire weekend (Musicien)

Titre(s)Father of the bride [enr. sonore] / Vampire Weekend, ens. voc. & instr.

Editeur(s)Columbia Records, 2019.

ContientHold you now. - Harmony hall. - Bambina. - This life. - Big blue. - How long ?. - Unbearably white. - Rich man. - Married in a gold rush. - My mistake. - Sympathy. - Sunflower. - Flower moon. - 2021. - We belong together. - Stranger. - Spring snow. - Jerusalem, New York, Berlin.

NotesTextes des chansons.

Sujet(s)Rock : Indie pop : Etats-Unis


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/201903/0190759473627_thumb.jpg

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CDEn rayonSEGOUFIELLE5249070071Musique2.2 VAM


Source : Wikipédia
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  • Hold you now
  • Harmony hall
  • Bambina
  • This life
  • Big blue
  • Hold you now
  • Harmony hall
  • Bambina
  • This life
  • Big blue

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