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Moon shaped pool (A)

Moon shaped pool (A)

Auteur(s)Radiohead (Musicien)

Titre(s)Moon shaped pool (A) / Radiohead, ens. voc. & instr.

Editeur(s)Londres : XL Recordings, 2016.

ContientBurn the witch. - Daydreaming. - Decks dark. - Desert island disk. - Ful stop. - Glass eyes. - Identikit. - The numbers. - Present tense. - Tinker tailor soldier sailor rich man poor man beggar man thief. - True love waits. - Burn the witch. - Daydreaming. - Decks dark. - Desert island disk. - Ful stop. - Glass eyes. - Identikit. - The numbers. - Present tense. - Tinker tailor soldier sailor rich man poor man beggar man thief. - True love waits.


NotesTélérama No.3462 p.56 du 18/05/2016. 4/4. - Rock & Folk No.587 p.79 du 22/06/2016. 4/5. - RollingStone No.85 p.89 du 30/05/2016. 4/5. - Trax No.193 p.82 du 30/05/2016.

Sujet(s)Pop ' indie ' Rock alternatif (musique) Pop-rock (musique)

Indice(s)2.20 ; 260

Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/201605/0634904079024_thumb.jpg

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CDEn rayonFLEURANCE00132000054610Musique2 RAD
CDEn rayonMGA50200452 RAD 20


Source : Wikipédia
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  • Burn the witch
  • Daydreaming
  • Decks dark
  • Desert island disk
  • Ful stop

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