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Sticky fingers

Sticky fingers

Auteur(s)Rolling Stones (The) ;Clapton, Eric (1945-...)

Titre(s)Sticky fingers / Rolling Stones (The).

Editeur(s)Promotone, 2009.

ContientBrown sugar. - Sway. - Wild horses. - Can't you hear me knocking. - You gotta move. - Bitch. - I got the blues. - Sister morphine. - Dead flowers. - Moonlight mile. - Brown sugar. - Wild horses (Acoustic). - Can't you hear me knocking (Alternate version). - Bitch (Extended version). - Dead flowers (Alternate version). - Live with me (Live at The Roundhouse, 1971). - Stray cat blues (Live at The Roundhouse, 1971). - Love in vain (Live at The Roundhouse, 1971). - Midnight rambler (Live at The Roundhouse, 1971). - Honky tonk women (Live at The Roundhouse, 1971).

NotesEnregistrement remasterisé. - Télérama No.3413 p.59 du 10/06/2015. 4/4. - France Inter : POP & CO de Septembre 2017. 20/20.


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/201504/0602537648368_thumb.jpg

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDPrêtéMGA032120000586182 ROL 10


Source : Wikipédia
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  • Brown sugar
  • Sway
  • Wild horses
  • Can't you hear me knocking
  • You gotta move

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