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Les 50 Plus belles chansons

Auteur(s)Brown, James (1933-2006)

Titre(s)Les 50 Plus belles chansons [cd audio] / James Brown, chant.

Editeur(s)Polydor Ltd., p. 2007.

ContientGet up I feel like being a sex machine. - It's a man's world. - It's too funky in here. - Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud. - I got you (I feel good). - Doing it to death. - Hot pants (She got to use what she got to get want she wants). - Get on the good foot. - I want ou so bad. - You don't have to go. - Prisoners of love. - Get up, get into it, get involved. - Licking stick. - There it is. - Good good lovin'. - Ain't it funky now. - The Boss. - Medley : Get up offa that thing/Realease the pressure. - Ain't that a groove. - There must be a reason. - Night train. - By the time I get to phoenix. - Think. - Give it up or turnit a loose. - America is my home. - Messing with the blues. - Body heat. - This old heart. - Money won't change you. - Tal to me, talk to me. - Down and out in New York City. - Funky president (People it's bad). - Waiting in vain. - Papa's got a brand new bag. - The Payback. - Out of sight. - Super bad. - Cold sweat. - I got a bag of my own. - Mind power. - Shout and shimmy. - I got ants in my pants. - Mother popcorn. - Please, pease, please. - Talkin' loud and sayin' nothing. - My thang. - Try me. - Funky drummer. - Soul power.


Sujet(s)Rythm'n'blues ** Etats-Unis Soul


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CDEn rayonVIC-FEZENSAC00462000061962Musique1.41 BRO


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  • Get up I feel like being a sex machine
  • It's a man's world
  • It's too funky in here
  • Say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud
  • I got you (I feel good)

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