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Burning hell

Auteur(s)Hooker, John Lee (1917-2001) (Auteur) ;Canned Heat (Ens. instrumental)

Titre(s)Burning hell [Cd audio] / John Lee Hooker (Auteur) ; Canned Heat (943).

Editeur(s)[s.l.] : Woostock tapes, 2010.

ContientYou talking too much. - Canned Heat. - John Lee Hooker. - Burning hell. - Canned Heat. - John Lee Hooker. - Bottle up and go. - Canned Heat. - John Lee Hooker. - The world today. - Canned Heat. - John Lee Hooker. - I got my eyes on you. - Canned Heat. - John Lee Hooker. - Whiskey and wimemn'. - Canned Heat. - John Lee Hooker. - Just you and me. - Canned Heat. - John Lee Hooker. - Let's make it. - Canned Heat. - John Lee Hooker. - Peavine. - Canned Heat. - John Lee Hooker. - Boogie chillen no.2. - Canned Heat. - John Lee Hooker.



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CDEn rayonCONDOM93210715199Musique1.1 HOO


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