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Jewels in the crown

Auteur(s)Franklin, Aretha (1942-2018) (Interprète) ;Davis, Clive (Producteur) ;Chubachi, Fusako (Directeur artistique) ;Wong, Michael (Photographe)

Titre(s)Jewels in the crown : All-star duets with the queen / Aretha Franklin, Clive Davis, Fusako Chubachi, Michael Wong.

Editeur(s)Sony BMG music entertainment.

ContientJumpin'Jack flash. - Sisters are doin' it for themselves. - I knew you were waiting. - Wath now my love. - Put you up on game. - Wath y'all came to do. - Never gonna break my faith. - Trough the storm. - It isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna be. - (You make me feel like) A natural woman. - Doctor's orders. - Ever changing times. - Chain of fools. - Don't waste your time. - Love all the hurt away. - Nessun dorma.


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDPrêtéSAMATAN03201000132317Musique1.4 FRA


Source : Wikipédia
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