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Between heaven and hell . Sin and soul

Auteur(s)Brown, Oscar Jr

Titre(s)Between heaven and hell. Sin and soul / Oscar Jr Brown.

Editeur(s)Soul Jam Records, 2017.

ContientMr Kicks. - Hazel's hips. - Excuse me for livin'. - Lucky guy. - Forbidden fruit. - Opportunity, please knock. - Elegy (Plain black boy). - Sam's life. - Hymn to friday. - Love is like a new born child. - When malindy sings. - World full of grey. - Work song. - But I was cool. - Bid 'em in. - Signifyin' monkey. - Watermelon man. - Somebody buy me a drink. - Rags and old iron. - Dat dere. - Brown baby. - Humdrum blues. - Sleepy. - Afro-blue. - Straighten up and fly right. - Hey there. - Sixteen tons.

Sujet(s)Jazz vocal (musique) Jazz soul (musique)


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