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Bridget Jones's Diary

Auteur(s)Fielding, Helen (Auteur)

Titre(s)Bridget Jones's Diary / Helen Fielding.

Editeur(s)[Edimbourg] : Harrap, 2015.

Collection(s)(Yes you can !, ISSN 2273-7820).

RésuméA dazzling urban satire of modern relationships?An ironic, tragic insight into the demise of the nuclear family?Or the confused ramblings of a pissed thirty-something?As Bridget documents her struggles through the social minefield of her thirties and tries to weigh up the eternal question (Daniel Cleaver or Mark Darcy?), she turns for support to four indispensable friends: Shazzer, Jude, Tom and a bottle of chardonnay.Welcome to Bridget's first diary: mercilessly funny, endlessly touching and utterly addictive.Bridget Jones's Diary was first published in 1996 and applauded by critics from Salman Rushdie to Jilly Cooper. A number-one bestseller, Helen Fielding's book has sold over fifteen million copies worldwide and has been turned into an Academy Award-nominated film series starring Renee Zellweger, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. Bridget Jones's Diary is followed by Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason and Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy.

Sujet(s)Angleterre : littérature


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