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King Arthur, legend of the sword

Auteur(s)Pemberton, Daniel ;Ritchie, Guy

Titre(s)King Arthur, legend of the sword : bande originale du film de Guy Ritchie / Daniel Pemberton.

Editeur(s)Sony Classical, 2017.

ContientFrom nothing comes a king. - King Arthur : legend of the sword. - Growing up londinium. - Jackseye's tale. - The story of Mordred. - Vortigern & the syrens. - The legend of Excalibur. - Seasoned oak. - The vikings & the Barons. - The politics & the life. - Tower & power. - The born king. - Assassins breathe. - Run londinium. - Fireball. - Journey to the caves. - The wolf & the hanged men. - Camelot in flames. - The lady in the lake. - The darklands. - Revelation. - King Arthur : destin of the sword. - The power of Excalibur. - Knights of the round table. - King Arthur : the coronation. - The devil & the huntsman.


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