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The High road to Kilkenny

Auteur(s)Lazarevitch, François (Flûtes) (Conducteur) ;Connellan, William (Compositeur) ;Connellan, Thomas (Compositeur) ;Oswald, James (Compositeur) ;Murphy, David (Compositeur) ;Peacock, John (Compositeur) ;Anonyme ;O'Carolan, Turlough (Compositeur) ;Getchell, Robert (Compositeur) ;Getchell, Robert (Ténor) ;Greenberg, David (Violon) ;Boulanger, Lucile (Violes) ;Helstroffer, Bruno (Luth) ;Bournisien, Marie (Harpes) ;Taylor, Bill (Harpes)

Titre(s)The High road to Kilkenny : gaelic songs and dances of the 17th & 18th centuries / François Lazarevitch.

Editeur(s)Alpha Classics, 2015.

ContientOro ' mhor, a mhoirin/The goroum. - Sir Uillioc de Burca (Sir Ulick Burke). - An drumadoir (The drummer). - Cuckold come out the amery. - Edward Corcoran. - Sile bheag ni chonnallain (Celia Connallon). - Sir Arthur Shaen/Colonel Irwin/Clonmell Lassies/The scolding wife. - Tiarna mhaigh eo (Lord mayo). - Soggarth Shamus O'Finn. - When she cam ben, she bobbit/Kitty's wishes. - Do chuirfinnse fein mo leanbh a chodladh (I would put my infant to sleep). - The banks of barrow. - James Betagh/Lady Wrixon. - O'Neill's riding barrack Hill/Petrie NO.94/Irish air (Hibernian muse NO.72). - King of the blind. - Molly Nic Ailpin (Molly Mac Alpin). - The cunning young man. - The high road to Kilkenny/Toss the feathers/The mill stream/Money musk.

Sujet(s)Irlande (musique) Musique celtique


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