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Gulag orkestar

Auteur(s)Beirut ;Condon, Zach (Trompette) (Pianos) (Claviers) (Percussions) (Accordeons) (Mandoline) ;Barnes, Jeremy (Percussions) (Accordeons) ;Trost, Heather (Violon) ;Cloutier, Perrin (Violoncelle) ;Ziznewski, Hari (Clarinette)

Titre(s)Gulag orkestar / Beirut.

Editeur(s)4AD, 2006.

ContientThe Gulag orkestar. - Prenzlauerberg. - Brandenburg. - Postcards from Italy. - Mount Wroclai (Idle days). - Rhineland (Heartland). - Scenic world. - Bratislava. - The bunker. - The canals of our city. - After the curtain. - Elephant gun (Lon Gisland E.P.). - My family's role in the world revolution (Lon Gisland E.P.). - Scenic world (Lon Gisland E.P.). - The Long Island sound (Lon Gisland E.P.). - Carousels (Lon Gisland E.P.).

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