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Banjo, 1901 - 1956 : An American five-string history

Auteur(s)Pidoux, John (Banjo) ;Farland, Alfred A (Banjo) ;Bacon, Fred (Banjo) ;Van Eps, Fred (Banjo) ;Ossman, Sylvester "Vess" L (Banjo) ;Cammeyer, Alfred Davies (Banjo) ;Sheaff, Bernard (Banjo) ;Oakley, Olly (Banjo) ;Reser, Harry (Banjo) ;Burnett, Richard "Dick" (Banjo) ;Jenkins, Frank (Banjo) ;Macon, David Harrison (Banjo) ;McGee Brothers (Banjo) ;Ashley, Clarence (Banjo) ;Begley, Justis (Banjo) ;Boggs, Dock (Banjo) ;Williams, Walter (Banjo) ;Smith, Hobart (Banjo) ;Willingham, Thaddeus C (Banjo) ;Crisp, Rufus (Banjo) ;Frazier, Nathan (Banjo) ;Lowe, Charlie (Banjo) ;Slayden, Will (Banjo) ;Smith, Lucius (Banjo) ;Steele, Pete (Banjo) ;Lunsford, Bascom Lamar (Banjo) ;Kazee, Buell (Banjo) ;Walsh, Dock (Banjo) ;Poole, Charles Cleveland "Charlie" (Banjo) ;Clark, Bob "Bossie" (Banjo) ;Monroe, Bill (Mandoline) ;Scruggs, Earl (Banjo) ;Lyle, Rudy (Banjo) ;Stanley, Ralph (Banjo) ;Seeger, Pete (Banjo) ;Ward, Wade (Banjo)

Titre(s)Banjo, 1901 - 1956 : An American five-string history / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Frémeaux & Associés, 2009.

ContientCD 1 : Drakey's dream / John Pidoux. - Carnival in Venice / Alfred A. Farland. - Old black Joe / Fred Bacon. - Cocoanut dance / Fred Van Eps. - Rusty rags medley / Sylvester Ossman. - Danse bizarre / Alfred Davies Cameyer. - Romping Rossie / Olly Oakley. - Heebe Jeebes / Harry Reser. - Ladies on the streamboat / Richard Dick Burnett. - Babptist shout spanish fandango / Franck Jenkins. - Tennessee red fox chase / David Harrison Macon. - Run / David Harrison Macon. - Milk cow blues / McGee Brothers. - Naomi wise / Clarence Hashley. - The golden willow tree / Justis Begley. - Danville girl / Dock Boggs. - Old rub alcohol blues / Dock Boggs. - Mud fence / Walter Williams. - The cuckoo bird / Hobart Smith. - Roll on the ground / Thaddeus C. Willingham. - CD 2 : Ball and chain / Rufus Crisp. - Po black sheep / Nathan Frazier. - Tater patch / Charlie Lowe. - John Henry / Will Slayden. - New railroad / Lucious Smith. - Coal creek march / Pete Steele. - Swannanoa tunnel / Bascom Lamar Lunsford. - Old whisker, the moonshiner / Buell Kazee. - Come bath in that beautifull pool / Dock Walsh. - Don't let your deal go down / Charles Cleeveland Poole. - Don't let your deal go down medley / Charles Cleeveland Poole. - Italian milazicci / Bob Bossie Clark. - Bluegrass breakdown / William Monroe. - White house blues / Rudy Lyle. - Pretty Polly / Ralph Stanley. - Flint hill special / Earl Scruggs. - Babe o'mine / Peter Seeger. - Blue skies / Peter Seeger. - Listen Mr Bilbo / Peter Seeger. - Old Joe Clark / Wade Ward.

Sujet(s)Banjo (musique) Etats-Unis : musique


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