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L'âge de glace 3 : Le temps des dinosaures

Auteur(s)Powell, John (Compositeur) ;Saldanha, Carlos ;The Hollywood Studio Symphony (Ens. instrumental)

Titre(s)L'âge de glace 3 : Le temps des dinosaures : [= Ice age : Dawn of the dinosaurs] / Powell John.

Editeur(s)Varese Sarabande Records Inc., 2009.

ContientCode blue. - Pregnant. - Leaving the herd. - The cavern. - Magic eggs. - Egg roll. - The cliff. - Sid's kids. - Nest. - Playground. - Scrat finds furry love. - Momma. - Entry to lost world. - Dinosaur vista. - Meet Buck. - Flower of death. - Nose job. - Trek. - Chasm of death. - Big smelly crack. - We shall raise them vegetarian. - Campfire stories. - Flashback. - You'll never tango. - Herd crossing. - Plates of Woe. - Battle cry. - Buck's theme. - Battles. - Over the falls. - Rescues. - Alone again. - To the portal. - Rudy fight. - Farewell. - Out of this world. - Buck returns. - Welcome to the ice age. - At home with the scrats. - The call of the siren acorn. - True love for our hero. - End credits. - You'll never find another love like mine.

Indice(s)722 ; 520

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Livre CD - DVDEn rayonMGA5017035Musique722 AGE


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