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Manhattan soul

Auteur(s)Knight, Marie ;Brown, Maxine ;Porgy & The Monarchs ;The Platters ;The Tabs ;Henry, Helen ;Townsend, Ed ;Johnny Maestro & The Crests ;Troy, J.B ;Jerry Fischer & The Nightbeats ;Thomas, Lee ;Dan & The Clean Cuts ;The Buckeye Politicians ;Parker, Winfield ;Patti Jo ;Bailey, Ann ;Moore, Jackie ;Moorer, Betty ;Lewis, Diane ;The Shirelles ;The Toys ;Henderson, Douglas Jocko ;The Fabulous Dinos ;Tindley, George

Titre(s)Manhattan soul : Scepter, wand and musicor / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Ace Records Ltd., 2011.

ContientThat's no way to treat a girl / Marie Knight. - I want a guarantee / Maxine Brown. - It's a dream I've always had [aka Hey girl] / Porgy & The Monarchs. - I love you 1,000 times / The Platters. - Take my love along with you / The Tabs. - A little bit of heartbreak / Helen Henry. - Stick by me / Ed Townsend. - Afraid of love / Johnny Maestro & The Crests. - Live on / J.B. Troy. - I've got to find someone to love me / Jerry Fischer & The Nightbeats. - Millionaire / Lee Thomas. - Walking with pride / Dan & The Clean Cuts. - Girl I could love you more / The Buckeye Politicians. - Will there ever be another love for me / Winfield Parker. - Ain't no love lost / Patti Jo. - Sweeping your dirt under my rug / Ann Bailey. - The same change / Jackie Moore. - Speed up / Betty Moorer. - Without your love / Diane Lewis. - One time too many / The Shirelles. - You got it baby / The Toys. - Blast off to love / Douglas "Jocko" Henderson. - Diamond ring / The Fabulous Dinos. - So help me woman / George Tindley.


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