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Ball & chain

Auteur(s)Big Brother & The Holding Company ;Joplin, Janis ;Albin, Peter (Guitare basse) ;Andrew, Sam (Guitare électrique) ;Gurley, James (Guitare électrique) ;Getz, David (Batterie)

Titre(s)Ball & chain / Big Brother and The Holding Company.

Editeur(s)Charly records Ltd., 1966.

ContientCD 1 RECORDED LIVE AT THE MATRIX, SAN FRANCISCO, 1966 [Audio] : Bye, bye, baby. - Great white guru. - Women is losers. - Oh ! My soul. - Amazing Grace. - Caterpillar. - It's a deal. - Hi heel sneakers. - Faster, pussycat, kill ! Kill !. - Turtle blues. - All is loneliness. - Light is faster than sound. - CD 2 RECORDED LIVE AT CALIFORNIA HALL, SAN FRANCISCO, 1966 [Audio & audio visual] : Let the good times roll. - I know you rider. - Moanin' at midnight. - Hey, baby. - Down on me. - Whisperman. - Women is losers. - Blow my mind. - Oh ! My soul. - Ball and chain. - Coo-coo. - Gutra's garden. - Harry. - In the hall of the mountain king. - BONUS AUDIO-VISUAL TRACKS [recorded at KQED Studios, San Francisco, 1967] : Coo-coo / Ball and chain.

Sujet(s)Blues rock (musique)


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