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Shock value

Auteur(s)Timbaland (Auteurs/Compositeurs) ;Furtado, Nelly ;Timberlake, Justin ;D.O.E (Préfacier, etc.) ;Dr. Dre (Préfacier, etc.) ;Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott (Préfacier, etc.) ;50 Cent (Préfacier, etc.) ;Magoo (Préfacier, etc.) ;The Hives ;John, Elton ;Fall Out Boy ;Hilson, Keri ;Scherzinger, Nicole ;One Republic (Préfacier, etc.) ;She Wants Revenge

Titre(s)Shock value / Timbaland.

Editeur(s)Interscope Records, 2007.

ContientOh Timbaland. - Give it to me / Furtado Nelly / Timberlake Justin. - Release / Timberlake Justin. - The way I are / D.O.E. / Keri Hilson. - Bounce / Dr. Dre / Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott. - Come and get me / 50 Cent. - Kill yourself. - Boardmeeting / Magoo. - Fantasy. - Scream. - Miscommunication. - Bombay. - Throw it on me / The Hives. - Time / She Wants Revenge. - One and only / Fall Out Boy. - Apologize / One Republic. - 2 man show / John Elton. - Hello.

Sujet(s)Rap (musique)


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CDEn rayonMGA50133732 TIM 91


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