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Reprise ! When jazz meets pop volume 3

Auteur(s)Stucky, Erika ;Pink Turtle ;Montgomery, Wes ;Lanaud, Karen ;Romano, Aldo ;Vignolo, Rémi ;Trotignon, Baptiste ;Baker, Chet ;Arcoiris ;Klugh, Earl ;Eldissa ;Lord Sitar ;Donaldson, Lou ;Lagrène, Bireli ;Jones, Quincy ;Wesseltoft, Bugge ;Endresen, Sidsel ;Cyrin, Maxence

Titre(s)Reprise ! When jazz meets pop volume 3 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Nova records, 2007.

ContientBad [Michael Jackson] / Erika Stucky. - Walk on the wild side [Lou Reed] / Pink Turtle. - California dreaming [The Mamas & The Papas] / Wes Montgomery. - Highway to hell [AC/DC] / Karen Lanaud. - Say it ain't so [Murray Head] / Aldo Romano / Rémi Vignolo / Baptiste trotignon. - Spinning wheel [Blood, Sweat & Tears] / Chet Baker. - Horse with no name [America] / Arcoiris. - I heard it through the grapevine [Marvin Gaye] / Earl Klugh. - Stayin alive [Bee Gees] / Eldissa. - I can see for Miles [The Who] / Lord Sitar. - Ode to Billy Joe [Bobbie Gentry] / Lou Donaldson. - Just the way you are [Billy Joel] / Bireli Lagrène. - I got you (I feel good) [James Brown] / Quincy Jones. - Fifty ways to leave your lover [Paul Simon] / Bugge Wesseltoft / Sidsel Endresen. - Unfinished sympathy [Massive Attack] / Maxence Cyrin.


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