
  M É D I A G E R S


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The anthology


Titre(s)The anthology / Aurra.

Editeur(s)distrib. Pinnacle, 2006.

ContientCD 1 "AURRA" & "SEND YOUR LOVE" : Too much. - Who are you. - In the mood (To groove). - When I come home. - Got to get my lady back. - You're the only one. - Nasty disposition. - Send your love. - Kingston lady. - Forever. - Are you single. - Keep it doin' it. - Living too fast. - Party time. - CD 2 "A LITTLE LOVE" & "LIVE AND LET LIVE" : Make up your mind. - Patience. - It's you. - Checking you out. - A little love. - In my arms. - Still free. - Thinking of you. - Such a feeling. - Coming to get you. - Live and let live. - Undercover lover. - Baby love. - You can't keep on walking. - Positive.

Sujet(s)Funk (musique) Disco (musique)

Indice(s)2.94 ; 2.95

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonMGA50132132 AUR 94


Source : Wikipédia
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