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An american journey

Auteur(s)Ives, Charles (Compositeur) ;San Francisco Symphony ;Tilson-Thomas, Michael (Conducteur) ;Hampson, Thomas (Baryton)

Titre(s)An american journey / Ives Charles ; San Francisco Symphony ; Tilson-Thomas Michael ; Hampson Thomas.

Editeur(s)BMG Records, 2002.

ContientFrom the steeples and the mountains. - The things our fathers loved. - The pond (remembrance). - Memories. - Charlie rutlage. - The circus band. - Three places in New England. - In Flanders fields. - They are there. - Tom sails away. - Symphony n°4-III : fugue. - Psalm 100. - Serenity. - General William booth enters into heaven. - The unanswered question.


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CDEn rayonMDC50094893 IVE 31


Source : Wikipédia
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