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Pure Ella : The originals american Decca recordings, the classics "Ella sings Gershwin album" and 12 more great standards

Auteur(s)Fitzgerald, Ella ;Larkins, Ellis (Pianos)

Titre(s)Pure Ella : The originals american Decca recordings, the classics "Ella sings Gershwin album" and 12 more great standards / Fitzgerald Ella ; Larkins Ellis.

Editeur(s)Polygram, 1994.

ContientSomeone to watch over me. - My one and only. - But not for me. - Looking for a boy. - I've got a crush on you. - How long has this been going on ?. - Maybe. - Soon. - I'm glad there is you. - What is there to say ?. - People will say we're in love. - Please be kind. - Until the real thing comes along. - Makin' whoopee. - Imagination. - Star dust. - My heart belongs to daddy. - You leave me breathless. - Baby, what else can I do ?. - Nice work if you can get it.

Sujet(s)Jazz classique Jazz vocal (musique)


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