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The best of : Surfin' USA [etc.]

Auteur(s)The Beach Boys

Titre(s)The best of : Surfin' USA [etc.] / The Beach Boys.

Editeur(s)St Ouen l'Aumone : Emi Music, 1997.

ContientSurfin' USA. - Little deuce coupe. - Fun, fun, fun. - I get around. - Do you wanna dance ?. - California girls. - Then I kissed her. - Barbara Ann. - Sloop John B. - Wouldn't it be nice. - God only knows. - Good vibrations. - Heroes and villains. - Darlin'. - I can hear music. - Breakaway. - Cotton fields (alternative version). - Rock and roll music. - With a little help from my friends. - Kokomo (extrait B.O.F. "Cocktail").


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CDEn rayonMDC50072632 BEA 20


Source : Wikipédia
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