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Sound of music : greatest hits of Richard Rodgers

Auteur(s)Rodgers, Richard ;Kunzel, Erich

Titre(s)Sound of music : greatest hits of Richard Rodgers / Rodgers Richard ; Kunzel Erich.

Editeur(s)Intersound, Inc., 1989.

ContientSound of music : The sound of music / How can love survive / The lonely Goatherd / My favorite things / Sixteen going on seventeen / So long, farewell / Do-re-mi / Ordinary couple / No way to stop it / Maria / Climb ev'ry mountain. - South Pacific : Dites-moi / A cockeyed optimist / Some enchanted evening / There is nothing like a dame / Bali Ha'i / I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair / A wonderful guy / Younger than springtime / Happy talk / This nearly was mine. - Waltz suite : Lover / The most beautiful girl in the world / Oh, what a beautiful morning. - March of the Siamese children de "The king and I" (= "Le roi et moi"). - Lover de "Love me tonight". - Victory at Sea suite. - Slaughter on 10th avenue.

Sujet(s)Relaxation : musique

Indice(s)511 ; 554

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CDEn rayonMGA5002365511 SOU


Source : Wikipédia
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