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We'll be together again

Auteur(s)Horne, Lena ;Person, Houston (Saxophones) ;Owens, Frank (Pianos) ;Renzi, Mike (Pianos) ;Brown, Benjamin F (Contrebasse) (Guitare basse) ;Tana, Akira (Batterie) ;Fountain, Eli (Percussions) ;Jones, Rodney (Guitare) ;Thielemans, Toots (Harmonica) ;Mathis, Johnny

Titre(s)We'll be together again / Horne Lena.

Editeur(s)Emi Music, 1994.

ContientMaybe. - Somthing to live for. - Day follows day / Mathis Johnny / Thielemans Toots. - Prelude to a kiss. - Love like this can't last. - We'll be together again. - Flower is a lovesome thing. - Old friend. - You're the one / Thielemans Toots. - Havin' myself a time. - My mood is you / Thielemans Toots. - I'll always leave the door a little open. - Do nothing 'til you hear from me. - Forever was a day. - I've got to have you. - My Buddy.

Sujet(s)Jazz classique Jazz vocal (musique)


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