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The sea Hawk = L'aigle des mers

Auteur(s)Korngold, Erich Wolfgang (Compositeur) ;The Utah Symphony Orchestra and Chorus ;Kojian, Varujan (Conducteur) ;Curtiz, Michael

Titre(s)The sea Hawk = L'aigle des mers / Korngold Erich Wolfgang.

Editeur(s)Varese Sarabande Records Inc., 1940.

ContientMain title. - The spanish galleass - Galley slaves - The albatros. - The captain's table. - Dona Maria and Capt. Thorpe - Elizabeth's throne room. - Thorpe's pet monkey. - Map of Panama. - The chess game. - Coach to Dover. - Farewell - Panama. - Jungle march and battle. - Return to the albatross. - Condemned to the galley - Dona Maria's song. - Queen Elizabeth - Maria's anguish. - Escape from the galley - Fight on deck - Strike for the shores of Dover. - Reunion. - Thorpe confronts Wolfingham - The duel. - Fanfare and finale.


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