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BBC sessions

Auteur(s)Led Zeppelin ;Page, Jimmy (Guitare électrique) ;Plant, Robert ;Bonham, John (Batterie) ;Jones, John Paul (Guitare basse)

Titre(s)BBC sessions / Led Zeppelin.

Editeur(s)Atlantic Recording Corporation, 1997.

ContientCD 1 : You shook me. - I can't quit you baby. - Communication breakdown. - Dazed and confused. - The girl I love she got long black wavy hair. - What is and what should never be. - Communication breakdown. - Travelling riverside blues. - Whole lotta love. - Somethin' else. - Communication breakdown. - I can't quit you baby. - You shook me. - How many more times. - CD 2 : Immigrant song. - Heartbreaker. - Since I've been loving you. - Black dog. - Dazed and confused. - Stairway to heaven. - Going to California. - That's the way. - Whole lotta love (medley) : Boogie chillun' / Fixin' to die / That's alright Mama / A mess of blues. - Thank you.

Sujet(s)Blues rock (musique) Hard rock (musique)

Indice(s)2.33 ; 2.51

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