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Chapter and verse

http://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/ws/wsgetimg.php?N=a0WG1159&C=4622&D=996036&A=31210&W=300&F=1.jpgCVS CD

Auteur(s)Springsteen, Bruce (1949-...) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Steel Mill (Artiste de spectacle) ;Bruce Springsteen Band (The) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Castiles (The) (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Chapter and verse [enr. sonore] / Bruce Springsteen.

ContientBaby I / Castiles (The). - You can't judge a book by the cover / Castiles (The). - He's guilty / Steel Mill. - The ballad of Jesse James / Bruce Springsteen Band (The). - Henry boy. - Growin' up. - 4th of july, asbury park. - Born to run. - Badlands. - The river. - My father's house. - Born in the U.S.A. - Brilliant disguise. - Living proof. - The ghost of Tom joad. - The rising. - Long time comin'. - Wrecking ball.

Sujet(s)Folk Rock : Etats-Unis


Lien : http://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/ws/wsgetimg.php?N=a0WG1159&C=4622&D=996036&A=31210&W=300&F=1.jpg

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