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Irish favorites

Titre(s)Irish favorites [musique imprimée] / auteurs Divers.

Editeur(s)Hal Leonard, 2010.

ContientBlack Velvet Band. - The Foggy Dew. - The Humour Is On Me Now. - The Irish Rover. - The Jolly Beggarman. - The Little Beggarman. - The Old Orange Flute. - The Patriot Game. - The Rising of the Moon. - The Rose of Tralee. - The Wearing of the Green. - The Wild Colonial Boy. - Too-Ra-Loo-Ra-Loo-Ral (That/'s An Irish Lullaby). - When Irish Eyes Are Smiling. - The Croppy Boy. - The Bells of St. Mary/'s. - Red Is the Rose. - Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms. - A Nation Once Again. - Brennan on the Moor. - Cockles and Mussels (Molly Malone). - Danny Boy. - Easy and Slow. - Green Grow the Rushes, O. - I Once Loved a Lass. - I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen. - I'll Tell Me Ma. - MacNamara/'s Band. - Minstrel Boy. - My Wild Irish Rose. - Wild Rover.

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