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Auteur(s)Proulx, Annie (1935-...) (Auteur)

Titre(s)Barkskins / Annie proulx.

Editeur(s)London : 4th estate, 2017.

Résumé`An ambitious novel of extraordinary power that deserves to win the biggest literary prizes and confirms Proulx as a more gifted writer than many of those deemed "great American Novelists" ***** Sunday Express `Magnificent... might be her best book yet' Anthony Doerr `Wonderful... A huge and brilliant novel, which takes us back to the uncompromising splendour of the natural world, and affirms Proulx's reputation as one of the greatest and toughest prose stylists writing today' TLS `Truly compelling... I quickly devoured it... Barkskins stays with you' Stylist `An enthralling story... Forest ecology, indigenous culture, sea voyages, Dutch culture, colonial and Maori culture, the logging industry: all these subjects and many more are revealed through the adventures of her characters' New Statesman `Proulx's commanding epic about the annihilation of our forests is nothing less than a sylvan Moby-Dick...

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