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The Miles Davis story

Auteur(s)Davis, Miles (1926-1991) (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)The Miles Davis story / Miles Davis.

Editeur(s)[s.l.] : Sony classical, 2010.

ContientThe legend of miles davis. - St louis roots. - Miles first girlfriend. - His first trumpet. - Meeting charlie parker. - On to new york city. - A visit to france. - Addicted to heroin. - Birth of the cool. - Meeting producer. - Miles in prison. - Signing with columbia records. - Working with gil evans. - A new trumpet sound. - Jimmy cobb remembers. - Working with louis malle. - A french girlfriend. - Meeting his first wife. - Playing with shirley horn. - Kind of blue. - Assaulted by police. - Sketches of spain. - Working with teo macero. - Miles at home. - Colaboration with john coltrane. - A new quintet. - Playing with pain. - Family problems. - Playing with young turks. - Befriending joe zawinul. - Discovering jimmy hendrix. - Bitches brew. - A rock n roll phase. - Keith jarrett joins the band. - Tribute to jack jackson. - Turbulent times. - The saxophones as foil. - Creative burnout. - Enter cicely tyson. - A new saxophone player. - The comeback. - A new art form. - Playing with the new generation. - A pop icon. - Miles the father. - Artist united against apartheid. - He still wants to be hip. - A reunion. - The legacy of miles davis.

NotesPrêt + consultation. - Langue(s) parlée(s) : eng.

Sujet(s)Jazz [s.l.]


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
DVD / Blu-RayEn rayonCASTELNAU D'AUZAN8017560071MusiqueVM 1.3 DAV


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