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Further explorations

Auteur(s)Corea, Chick (1941-...) ;Gomez, Eddie (1944-...) ;Motian, Paul (1931-...)

Titre(s)Further explorations / Chick Corea.

Editeur(s)Boissy-sous-Saint-Yon : Socadisc Europ' Distribution, 2012.

ContientPeri's scope. - Gloria's step. - They say that falling in love is wonderful. - Alice in wonderland. - Song no.1. - Diane. - Off the cuff. - Laurie. - Bill Evans. - Litttle rootie tootie. - Hot house. - Mode vi. - Another tango. - Turn out the stars. - Rhapsody. - Very early. - But beautiful : part 1. - But beautiful : part 2. - Puccini's walk. - CD 1 : Peri's scope. - Gloria's step. - They say that falling in love is wonderful. - Alice in wonderland. - Song N°1. - Diane. - Off the cuff. - Laurie. - Bill Evans. - Little rootie tootie. - CD 2 : Hot house. - Mode VI. - Another tango. - Turn out the stars. - Rhapsody. - Very early. - But beautiful, part 1. - But beautiful, part 2. - Puccini's walk.


Indice(s)1.60 ; 1.3

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonLAGRAULET-DU-GERS5198080071Musique1.3 COR
CDEn rayonMGA50176701 COR 60


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