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Les 50 plus belles chansons : Michael Jackson & the Jackson 5

Auteur(s)The Jackson 5 ;Jackson, Michael (1958-2009)

Titre(s)Les 50 plus belles chansons : Michael Jackson & the Jackson 5 / The Jackson 5 ; Michael Jackson.

Editeur(s)Universal, 2009.

Collection(s)(Les 50 Plus Belles Chansons).

ContientAbc. - Never can say goodbye. - Ready or not (here i come). - Love song. - Forever came today. - The life of the party. - Doctor my eyes. - All i do is think of you. - I am love (parts 1 & 2). - Darling dear. - Maybe tomorrow. - I found that girl. - It's too late to change the time. - Lookin' through the windows. - Who's lovin' you. - Whatever you got, i want. - I'll be there. - I want you back. - Dancing machine. - Sugar daddy. - Little bitty pretty one. - Hum along and dance. - Corner of the sky. - I'm so happy. - Get it together. - Goin' back to indiana. - Skywriter. - The love you save. - Mama's pearl. - Track13. - La la (means i love you). - It's great to be here. - Hallelujah day. - Santa claus is coming to town. - Farewell my summer love. - You've got a friend. - My girl. - One day in your life. - Just a little bit of you. - Got to be there. - We've got a good thing going. - Rockin' robin. - Ben. - I wanna be where you are. - Girl you're so together. - We're almost there. - Wings of my love. - Girl don't take your love from me. - Music and me. - Ain't no sunshine.

Sujet(s)Musique de variétés


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