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Music from Steven Spielberg movies

Auteur(s)Spielberg, Steven (1946-...) (Réalisateur de film) ;Global Stage Orchestra (Ens. instrumental)

Titre(s)Music from Steven Spielberg movies / Steven Spielberg.

Editeur(s)Blaricum, 2012.

ContientThe auction (war horse). - Seeding and horse vs. car (war horse). - Joey's new friends (war horse). - The death of topthorn (war horse). - The reunion (war horse). - Remembering emilie, and finale (war horse). - The adventure continues (the adventures of tintin). - The captain's counsel (the adventures of tintin). - The secret of the scrolls (the adventures of tintin). - The milanese nightingale (the adventures of tintin). - Capturing mr. silk (the adventures of tintin). - Captain haddock takes the oars (the adventures of tintin). - End credits (munich). - The tale of viktor navorski (the terminal). - Catch me if you can (catch me if you can). - The mecha world (a.i. artificial intelligence). - Hymn to the fallen (saving private ryan). - Theme from schindler's list. - Theme from jurassic park. - Fligh to neverland (hook). - The keeper fo the grail (indiana jones and the l... - Nocturnal activities (indiana jones and the temp... - Main theme (et the extra-terrestrial). - Raiders of the lost ark. - Main theme (close encounters of the third kind). - Theme from jaws. - Symphony n°8 'unfinished' : allegro moderato (m... - Chances are (close encounters of the third kind). - Love song of the waterfall (close encounters of the third kind). - Wake up little susie (indiana jones and the kingdom of... - Little bitty pretty one (indiana jones and the kingdom of the cry... - Body and soul (the color purple). - My heart (will always lead me back to you)... - Solitude (minority report). - Prelude to a kiss (munich). - Never on sunday (munich). - You're a sweet little headache (indiana jon... - Daddy (1941). - Smoke gets in your eyes (always). - Yakety yak (always). - Tu es partout (saving private ryan). - South of the border (empire of the sun). - Swing is in the air (empire of the sun). - Something in b flat (the terminal). - The way you look tonight (catch me if you can). - Embraceable you (catch me if you can). - Guys and dolls (a.i. artificial intelligence). - I only have eyes for you (a.i. artificial intelligence). - Mamatschi (schindler's list). - Gute nacht mutter (schindler's list).

Résumé"MUSIC FROM STEVEN SPIELBERG MOVIES" contient les plus célèbres themes de films (E. T, JAWS, SCHINDLER'S LIST, MINORITY REPORT, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, INDIANA JONES.) du réalisateur américain. Le tout remasterisé.

Sujet(s)Musique de film

Indice(s)6.1 ; 6.2

Du même auteur Du même éditeur
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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDPrêtéMD325199570071Musique6.2 SPI
CDPrêtéEAUZE00119000133999Musique6.23 SPI


Source : Wikipédia
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